Tag Archives: Broome

Meet the Milliner

Okay, so it feels like ages because it actually is ages since I’ve written a blog post, but this doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing; in fact, I’m excited to announce – I am writing a book. 

Yes, last year I made the commitment, not only by saying it out loud, (which is bloody scary in itself) but I also committed with an accountability group and a plan. 

Serendipity stepped in and introduced me to these gorgeous ladies, who are also writing, from New Zealand and Queensland; so we seized the intro and made a commitment to keep each other accountable to writing our books, and it’s been a game changer! 

Sarah, Alex & Flic

We’ve never met in person, but my gosh, I look forward to each Friday, when we meet on-line to write. 

The other exciting update is I have launched my Meet the Milliner, Studio Experience in Broome. 

For years people have asked if they can drop in to meet me and see the studio and the collection, and although I’ve always tried to make this happen, these last minute requests are not always possible. So now I have a system to book this visit when you are planning your trip to Broome. 

Loved these women!
Love this group of fabulousness!

I’ve created a really lovely experience to share from my backyard studio. And yes, of course we can have a little glass of bubbles. Why not?

Here’s the link and feel welcome to share this with any friends of yours coming to Broome.

Meet The Milliner Studio Experience in Broome

And now for my collection update … and without getting too bogged down in the story of my delayed start to creating this year’s millinery magnificence, I’ve had some forced time out of the studio, thanks to white ants coming up through the cement floor. They also got into my vacuum cleaner which gave me one hell of a ZAP!

In addition to the ant issue, I also had the mystery of something running amok in the studio of a night, opening the door each morning to foam heads, hats and headpieces strewn across the floor. I had no idea what was going on but when I opened one morning to find my beautiful blue bottle smashed all over the floor and hat boxes tumbled from their stack, I decided to climb the ladder and block the small holes into the ceiling where my mystery mate must have been coming in through from the roof; it was either that, or I had a ghost. But I’ve since seen this cheeky monitor looking most displaced, so I think my ghost of a culprit was this goanna, who apparently doesn’t mind a termite or two. 

Honestly – only in the Kimberley!

Subsequently, my millinery collection for 2024 is off to a most delayed start, so I’ll see how I’m going over the next few weeks, and confirm the date of my collection reveal. 

If you’d like to be kept updated about the Book, the Experience, the Collection and more, subscribe to my Milliner on the Move blog and sign up to my Hats by Felicity website mailing list – these two sites are from where the updates will come. 

I won’t clog your inbox, I’m way too busy creating millinery to be sending dozens of emails …

As for the milliner on the move’s inspiration for creation, (apart from ghosts, termites and lizards), there is a pretty amazing trip in the plan, deep into the Kimberley, – I’m already excited to design and create a collection inspired from this amazing part of the world. 

Till next time, have a fantastic day, keep smiling and keep your eyes out for rogue bungarras.


Trackside, Broome – Proud Sponsor

Should’ve packed my beanie!

While it was certainly time for me to pack the bag, board the plane and make my way out of WA – arriving into Melbourne at midnight, into a polar storm was certainly not in the plan.

The wind literally blew my phone out of my hand and across the road that I was trying to cross as my bags blew in different directions and my hair whipped my face.

Welcome to Victoria they said!

Thank goodness Susan was on the end of that far flung phone and found me amongst the chaos, and we high-tailed it out of the storm to Geelong. 

A day later the temperature still hadn’t risen so we celebrated the Melbourne Cup at a private (heated) event hosted by Elizabeth and PJ on their nearby farm. The theme was Melbourne Cup yellow and in true Variety Bash style we donned many an outfit change (mine a multitude of layers); joined by none other than our own cardboard selves.

After all, doesn’t everyone have their own cardboard cut-out, – ready for rent-a-crowd.

Next we girls were on the first of my many road trips, to the historic town of Yackandandah, where I was invited to take part in a fashion parade event showcasing my millinery alongside the clothing range of Vivienne Cate, a simply delightful store owned by our gorgeous friend Karen.

We girls are known to combine work with travel, with play, – with our reunions, and for this catchup we stayed in a beautifully restored bank building, https://www.ashlarstays.com.au/copy-of-ashlar-on-high nestled in the heart of Yackandandah, hosting the fashion parade in the stunning backyard gardens. 

Halfway through the parade, of course – another storm scuttled us into an intimate second half on the veranda. 

Before my Broome departure, I had seriously forgotten what it was like to be cold. Karen has clothed me to survive these endless chilly days and nights – and thankfully so, because I’ve been freezing since the day I flew out. 

The next road trip was with Karen to Mazza in Yarrawonga, through historic townships and wineries, even twisting our rubber arms for a ‘crisp white’ along the way.

And my trip to Albury was by regional tour with the awesome Mazza herself. This was my first exposure to the confronting rising flood levels of Vic and NSW. 

I boarded the flight out of Vic to Sydney and on to Dubbo, to my dear friend Em of Em Menzies Art.  

Our road trip the next day was literally out to the back of Bourke, to “Salt Lake” Station where once upon a time I was a governess; and included a visit to “Emaroo”- the last Station on the road – where Em grew up and where the inspiration for her ‘girls’ art was born. 

The trip out to Emaroo was also to visit a recent resting place, a memorial for Em’s father and brother, who both passed away separately during the height of covid. Unable to travel to be with Em and our friends during that time, I’ve struggled to come to terms with Scotty’s passing, so particularly this part of our trip out west was filled with emotion, for us both.

The artist and the milliner were awed by the beautiful wildflowers, the green pick was a multitude of grasses and that red soil, – so familiar to a now Kimberley girl; and I’d never seen so much water out there. 

I was a 19 year old when I was a governess at Salt Lake. The kid’s dad would climb the windmill daily and tell us “big rain coming bunge”, which it never did, because we were in drought. 

To now see this country so wet and green was quite spectacular, with inspiration as far as the eye could see; a stunning landscape of colour, nestled into that rich red soil.

We had the ultimate tour guides – Tegan, Jack and kids, – Jack being one of the kids I taught way back then, and we made it safely back to Dubbo before more rain and the water traveled down river and closed the road. 

Back in Dubbo, I was treated to a paint and sip class with Em, painting the adventure on the canvas – and wholla! – I introduce you to my attempt at painting – entitled “Salt Lake Soak” and some inspiration for my next millinery collection.

I’m now in Central Western New South Wales with my family, surrounded by their flowering and edible gardens.

I’ve grown up knowing home as drought country but to see all this grass and flora is quite amazing. I’m constantly inspired, not to mention filled with energy from being with my friends and family. 

As you know I am passionate about rural and remote Australia and about designing collections of Millinery that truly reflect our beautiful regional land. 

My Mardi Gras millinery collection will be first to showcase, in February 2023, followed by a race wear release in May. I’ve been designing whilst away and will create when I return to Broome.

While I’m Milliner on the Move, my current collections of millinery are on show and available for sale at Cygnet Bay Pearls Showroom in Broome, WA and Vivienne Cate, Yackandandah, Vic so get in touch with these fabulous outlets if you’re looking to purchase your Hats by Felicity headpiece or hat.

Modelled by the team at Cygnet Bay Pearls

These and more available for sale at https://www.cygnetbaypearlfarm.com.au/

I have a small collection of my retail range everyday straw hats with me, and don’t forget, there’s always the handy gift voucher for you or for that special Christmas gift – available from my online store.

For gift vouchers click https://hatsbyfelicity.com.au/

My heart is full, my cup is full, I’m surrounded by friends and family that I’ve missed dreadfully over these past three + years, and my creativity has returned. 

The power of travel – so very important, especially for this Milliner on the Move.

Merry Festive season, keep smiling and I’ll check in again soon.

x Felicity (Flic)

Milliner on the Move 🙂

Millinery to Power The Image

Twelve months has passed and this Milliner still hasn’t been on the Move. 

The confinement, however, has thankfully come to an end as borders open, travel confidence grows and life stirs from our pandemic haze.

While I’ve been fortunate to have spent these past few years in Broome, the seclusion has still had an effect. 

Even with it’s wide open spaces, wilderness and beach, being away from family and friends for so long has been hard, for us all.

I’ve always justified settling on the opposite side of the country to my family by being only a flight away. Who would’ve thought? 

But don’t you worry – like the rest of us, I’ll be making up for lost time. 

The planner is out and this year there’s aeroplane stickers on the board. 

2022 in Broome kicked off with the golden opportunity to showcase by runway, my first collection of millinery for the year. 

Crown Jewels II was three months of creativity – a collection of Mardi Gras show pieces, wearable art, feathers, shimmer and bling; a mix of stage show millinery, creative artistry and race wear for those who like to take it up a trackside notch.  

I was filled with pride as each piece took to the runway and in stark contrast to the poised and silent crowd of New York Fashion Week, the models played to the screaming crowd that lined the outdoor stage beneath our balmy WET season Kimberley sky. The parade was so much fun.

Courtesy of Broome Pride Inc, captured by Laura Gass Photography

This Launch party of the Broome Pride Mardi Gras festival was filled with colour, excitement, glitter and fun. Broome was back! Events were back – and I was so grateful to be part of it all launching a collection as Milliner to the Queens. 

Surge Films Broome captured the energy of the runway with this footage Hats by Felicity Crown Jewels II Runway Show

The Launch party, however, was the first and the last crowd event of the Broome festival to take place. 

As covid continues to creep into the Kimberley the decision was made not to hold the other major events of the Mardi Gras.

As we’ve all learnt to say these past years, – “it is what it is”, and so we pack away the bling and get on with plan B, C or is it down to Z… 

My Crown Jewels II millinery collection is now available for sale on my website – Hats by Felicity Crown Jewels II Millinery Collection

And, bringing forward the next plan – I am thrilled to launch my Millinery for Creative Photoshoot Hire

For all you creative photographers out there, I have curated a collection of my unique millinery for hire, to compliment your next photoshoot – Millinery to power your image.

Whether you are shooting a business promotion for a client or your own creative photography – the Hats by Felicity Millinery Hire collection is offered to photographers Australia wide. 

Click to Millinery Hire for Creative Photography Hats by Felicity Millinery for Creative Photoshoot Hire

With Broome race round next on the Millinery event calendar for me, it’s back to the studio to create my next collection due for release in May.  

Oh, and keep an eye out for the Milliner on the Move – I’m getting back out on the road. 

Click to the footage of the runway show by Surge Films Broome Hats by Felicity Crown Jewels II Runway Show

Enjoy the video and enjoy precious times reconnecting with family and friends.

Cheers & keep smiling

Felicity (Flic)

Hats by Felicity

Milliner on the Move

Release the Crown Jewels – the runway of the Bay

It was after a few beers with my brother, Billy, when the idea came to me. We often have a yarn and a few ales over the phone – living on opposite sides of the Country, it’s how we keep in touch. This particular time he’d mentioned a woman he met who was working with Sydney’s Mardi Gras. She’d been surprised to hear I was a milliner in Broome, and looked up my instagram. 

That was pretty much the conversation – but in my sleep – my never resting, always busy sub-conscious mind came up with a plan, and the next morning I awoke with huge excitement; – I was going to create millinery for Broome’s Mardi Gras – I was going to become the Milliner to the Queens.

Busting to tell my house guest at the time, Margaret, I followed her around the kitchen, as she was still wiping the sleep from her eyes, blurting my Mardi Gras plan that Hats by Felicity would create for rural and regional women, AND Queens.

I was designing creations that day for a few little here I am pieces to enter the industry. I was SO pumped to have realised another outlet for my creative trade. With the demise of race-wear millinery due to covid, I had pivoted into bridal, launching my bridal collection in January, and now it was time to start creating for Mardi Gras.

Previously, when I created for the runway of New York Fashion Week, I was in my absolute creative element, but until now, I hadn’t realised a market for these elaborate creations. I was back in the creative zone that I had experienced for my international shows.

Hats by Felicity – New York Fashion Week SS2017

In it’s 7th year, the Broome Mardi Gras is a week of events bringing our little town together and alive, in what prior to Mardi Gras, was a terribly oppressive time of the year. 

The heat is still here, don’t get me wrong, but now it’s lathered by glitter. 

Broome is blooming in February, – our hotels are filling as the week unveils, the restaurants are booking, the positive economic impact is nothing short of invigorating – there’s literally dozens of events, from story time with children, to makeup with teenagers and the Cabaret, the Dance party, the pool party – bingo, breakfasts, the list goes on. 

Broome is alive – and I am thrilled to be part of the excitement. 

Lucy from Broome Pride, the woman behind the organisation of events, heard I was creating this collection and invited me to showcase at the “Pride Tide” gin launch event, Saturday 13th February. 

The timeframe was the shortest I’d ever created to and for a runway collection, I needed materials – I needed ‘bling’ and the response to my call out was phenomenal – it made my heart sing. Friends, The local Broome Aqua ladies, Sun (Dance) Studios Broome, The Chamber of Commerce and Regional Arts WA filled my studio with bling.

I locked myself away for the short few weeks and created a 24 piece collection that unveiled on the runway of the Roebuck Bay Hotel outdoor venue, as part of the launch of Moontide Distillery’s new gin.

The “Pride Tide” Launch featured the launch of the Hats by Felicity “Crown Jewels,” and I couldn’t be more excited, thankful and proud. 

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better – the local pole dancing troupe were available to model my creations. 

“Can we get out our sass” they asked? “Oh my Lordy yes”, I said.

There was no better way to officially launch as the “Milliner to the Queens,” than with the “Crown Jewels” collection paraded by local models filled with personality and sass, showcasing to a capacity local crowd, at an outdoor venue in Balmy Broome, filled with colour, shimmer, sweat and fun.

Enjoy the footage of the launch and if you know any Mardi Gras Queens, and fun-stars who love to get amongst the February Mardi Gras festivities, share the launch around. My “Crown Jewels” collection is now officially unveiled, launched and available, and there’ll be more glitter to come over the years. 

Photography by Laura Gass Photography | Footage by Lana Reed Productions | Thanks to Moontide Distillery, The Roebuck Bay Hotel and Broome Pride.

Now … It’s time for another beer with Billy

x flic 

Time to unveil

I feel a bit of a fraud to be the Milliner on the Move, and not be on the move, but who would ever have guessed the world would stop travelling. 

This time last year we had no idea what chaos lay before us and I certainly had no foresight that I’d enter 2021 as Broome’s Bridal Milliner, but here we are, pivoting our way through the chaos that is covid 19, and with complete acknowledgment of the seriousness of the virus, from a personal business perspective, I have to say, I’m grateful for the opportunities that presented to me in 2020. 

On an average year I would create up to 100 pieces, however in 2020, I created three. One for Darwin, one for Gasgoyne Junction and one for Ascot Perth, and these made my heart sing.

The gorgeous Georgie, Dawin, NT

People would say to me “you must be loving all this time to create,” but what many don’t realise is it’s not just about time, it’s about creativity and to be honest, from March 2020, I completely lost my mojo. 

This isn’t to say business came to a halt, in fact, it was quite the opposite – I went into overdrive with business development for both Hats by Felicity and an entirely new business concept called The Homestead Hub, and it wasn’t until I realised the latter, that my creative mojo returned.  

Bridal was always an area of millinery that I reserved for friends.

Abbi, Broome, WA
Kylie, Broome, WA
Renee, Broome, WA

Each time I worked ‘on’ my business, bridal appeared in the notes but I always managed to keep it veiled, that is, until now.

Fast forward to 2021, and to the world that is, and I couldn’t be happier or more excited to enter the year formally launching my first Hats by Felicity Bridal collection

Like all businesses, there are changes for Hats by Felicity – working closely with clients on a one to one basis in my little Broome studio is now something of the past, but as a milliner creating for rural, regional and remote women, regardless of where you reside or whether you are an impending bride, or off to the races, – I will continue to create collections of one-off, unique and beautiful creations, and present these collections as a continual showcase, available for sale on my Hats by Felicity website

To keep informed of new creations and my creative business directions, I encourage you to like and follow Hats by Felicity Instagram and Facebook, to subscribe to my Hats by Felicity newsletter as well as this Milliner on the Move blog, and if you’d like to be in that private space, and the first to know about new releases and informative hat related teachings, stay tuned for the new Hats by Felicity private Facebook Group.

My millinery’s creative calendar will go something like this – January is the launch of my bridal collection (yay and thank you for your awesome support).

February will introduce another exciting millinery direction and collection – double yay; and from March I will focus on the 2021 race wear millinery collection, with the most positive of vibes that regional races will return.

Thanks for continuing to support my little business over the past year – even without me creating a collection. Your liking, sharing and engaging in conversation with Hats by Felicity kept my business alive and my spirits high, and for this I thank you. 

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021. 

Click to enjoy my Hats by Felicity Bridal launch short film.

x flic

Sandfire Ash

Every Hats by Felicity creation has a story – usually involving people and places, and almost always about feathers.
In the mid 1990’s when I was working as a jillaroo on Mandora cattle station south of Broome, I was introduced to the Sandfire Roadhouse. Many of you will know Sandfire as a roadhouse where you fuelled your car, grabbed a bite to eat and continued along the great northern highway, but for us in 1996, Sandfire road house was our local drinking hole. With no towns for hundreds of kilometres north and south, for us Sandfire was more than just a fuel stop and a place to grab a pie, it was our pub.
Understandably, I was devastated when in 2007 Sandfire Roadhouse as we knew it suffered an electrical fire and burned to the ground. The roadhouse reopened with a transportable within 48 hours of the blaze and in April 2010 the roadhouse that we know today, opened, but without the bar that will now remain part of history.
If you’ve ever been to Sandfire, either then or now you would have met the friendly peacocks that roam the site and in particular the rare white peacock. Owner Ken Norton has known me since those early Mandora station days and always been a supporter of my millinery journey, and each February, when the peacocks malt their feathers, Ken collects them for me to use in my millinery creations.
It was a given that when I was chosen to showcase on the runway of New York Fashion Week that I would use these magnificent peacock feathers in my collections.
In 2015, I showcased my Spring Summer 2016 collection on the runway of my solo show with my finale’ piece honouring the white feathers of Sandfire and acknowledging the fire, with my creation aptly named “Sandfire Ash”.

No sooner had she landed from the runway of New York Fashion Week, Sandfire Ash then appeared on the Seven Network Sunrise breakfast show program, the eve before Melbourne Cup Day, 2015.

When I returned home to Broome from New York and Sydney I had a visit from Ken Norton, who wanted to purchase Sandfire Ash for his partner Dorothy. I was ecstatic. I always love to know where my creations end up and to know Sandfire Ash would be down the highway from Broome made my heart sing. Given the creation’s size was somewhat a feature, Ken also put in an order for a Mini Ash for Dorothy, that she could wear to the races.

Dorothy not only donned Mini Ash for the Broome Cup 2019 but she also wore Mini Ash to her Daughters wedding, as Mother of the bride in Ireland. 

Mother of the bride, Dorothy and Ken, Ireland 2019

Sandfire Ash

Mini Ash

Ken always said he wanted to display Sandfire Ash with the story of her journey from Sandfire Roadhouse to the runway of New York Fashion Week and true to his word, here she is.

Next time you’re driving the Great Northern Highway and pull into Sandfire Roadhouse, make sure you say Hi to Sandfire Ash (and Ken and Dorothy). 


Introducing Archipelago

Last week I flew over the majestic horizontal waterfalls of the Buccaneer Archipelago and from the moment we entered the King Sound my inspiration and creativity had retuned. The Kimberley never fails me.

Previously, I’d been trying to design a millinery collection on the back of a somewhat traumatic week and the process was proving difficult, my mojo just wasn’t there. Any creative will tell you that losing the mojo is quite normal, it’s finding it again that’s the challenge. Immersing myself in the breathtaking environment of my backyard, the Kimberley, is my key to unlock the block. Give me the red dirt and rocks of this rugged frontier, the stunning ocean country of water holes and white sandy beaches, the bush, the falls, the pindan sand, the sunsets and the sunrise .. just throw it all at me and then it’s ‘Whamo – Inspo’! – just like that.

When the opportunity presented to jump onboard a half day flight over the Horizontal Falls I was beside myself with excitement and in true eager form, early to the hanger for departure. I’ve experienced the Falls a few times over the years but this particular timing was with our King Spring tides and I knew the Falls would be at their best.

Roebuck Bay was completely empty when we taxied out from Broome and over the Bay, but nothing prepared me for how we’d find the Buccaneer Archipelago; it was like mother nature had pulled the plug and instead of hundreds of islands, there were literally thousands, for as far as the eye could see, and of course the Falls were absolutely magnificent – I was in pure awe, once again .

My love affair with this region began in 1997, when I lived and worked on a boat on a pearl farm in the remote, Gerald Bay. We flew to work on a sea plane, landing in the Bay in front of our mother ship, the Cossack Pearl. I’d spend ten days living on the boat and working on the pearl farm, chipping shell and cooking for the crew and then fly back to Broome for our four days off. I was living the absolute dream.

The Cossack Pearl

Driving the shell cleaning boat

Over the years since those crazy pearling days I have returned to the region on private charters and with organised tours, adventuring onboard boats and planes and I just can’t get enough of the place. The Buccaneer Archipelago is magical, filled with colour and movement and life.

Last week’s adventure was with Fly Broome by light aircraft over the archipelago, king sound and the spectacular Horizontal Falls, landing at Cape Leveque for breakfast and a glorious swim in the ocean. I also toured the region earlier this year with Go Horizontal Falls a cruise adventure through the archipelago by boat from cockatoo island taking us through the Falls and circling us over them on the flight home from Cockatoo to Broome. From both magnificent tours I returned overflowing with inspiration and with complete happiness. I feel so connected to this part of the world and never take it’s beauty for granted, nor the positive effect that immersing in the Kimberley has on me, the emotions it stimulates are exactly what I needed to get designing for this show.

Dampier Creek Broome

Willie Creek

Cape Leveque

Water rushing into Horizontal Falls

The Horizontal Falls

I created my beautiful Archipelago inspired collection incorporating stunning silks from local fellow creative, Sally Bin Demin, and my eight piece collection was showcased by the gorgeous finalists of the development program for young indigenous women, “Kimberley Girl” at the program’s finale event.

I am so proud to be involved in this event and I am thrilled with the collection.

My adventures to the Archipelago and Horri Falls overflowed me with inspiration to create and it is with great excitement and pride, that I formally introduce you to my eight piece Millinery collection aptly named “Archipelago”.

For more details including stories and prices to purchase the pieces which are now officially available for sale, please visit www.hatsbyfelicity.com.au .

For more information on the above mentioned Archipelago adventures click the links and tell them the Mad Hatter sent you.

Keep smiling and don’t forget to tour your own backyard.
x flic


Today I started my 2019 goals; probably a few weeks behind most of you .. but with the temperature high of 38 degrees (feels like 44) and humidity of 78%, it felt right to be inside, playing with coloured pens.

Before filling the butchers paper, though, I retrieved last years goal setting page; happy to cross quite a few items off the list, and to admit there are a few others to make a celebrity guest re-appearance for 2019.

All in all a great year for me, starting with a trip to South Africa for a stunning family wedding (see previous blog). Not only quality family time and an adventurous safari but I also met the talented Jacquie from J K Millinery in Cape Town, who was an absolute delight.

No sooner had I touched down home over the Bay and into Broome, it was self imposed studio lockdown, creating the collection for my Sydney Exhibition in Balmain. With inspiration oozing from Africa I proudly showcased to a packed house with Artist Lara Scolari; and just like that, the Millinery year was in full swing.

Like this year, 2018 began with the privilege to showcase a creation with London Hat Week Great Hat Exhibition, and although the hat traveled to London without me, I was thrilled that London based friends and family visited the Exhibition to see my feathered creation, “Kungkulu Ku” perched amongst 300 chosen pieces from around the world.

The Great Hat Exhibition is now in its fourth year and the theme for 2019 is “World Garden”. Again, I’m beside myself with excitement to be one of 180 milliners chosen to exhibit from around the world, and I hope those who’ll be in London mid April will pop in to see my “Desert Dancer” creation, honouring Australia’s Sturt’s Desert Pea.

I was thrilled to receive the High Achievement award for Home Based Business through the Broome Chamber of Commerce Small Business Awards, and super thrilled to feature with ABC Landline who filmed a beautiful story showcasing my millinery story and art.


The documentary, MadHattan; (from Broome to the Big Apple) launched in Melbourne as part of Melbourne film and fashion week with a premiere and Q&A, which was a great experience; and the BBC also did some filming in my backyard and our beautiful Broome, shooting a feature soon to be aired with the Julia Bradbury TV series – so London’s certainly calling this year!

With two great friends, we embarked on the Variety Bash again in 2018, raising money for kids with special needs and kids in isolation and drought. Our second year as the Mad Hatters, and this social commitment, to Variety, the Children’s charity is looking to be an ongoing part of Alice, the Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter’s lives.

We’ve committed again in 2019 and will be driving from Melbourne across the Nullarbor to our finish line in Geraldton WA, so if you think we might be coming your way (we drive no direct route whatsoever) .. like and follow our Mad Hatters pages so we can keep you up to date.



A great year for sure and I’m filled with pride as my little dream to develop a career from passion continues to grow, however, before one can get too carried away, we were once again in 2018, on several occasions throughout the year, slammed back into reality, losing mates that we just absolutely loved. Men, taken with the dreaded cancer and by car accident, and taking their own life. Devastating for us all still to this exact moment; and we would happily give back all the accolades and acknowledgments to have them all back here, but this thing called life just doesn’t work like that.

This is the reason I, personally, continue to strive so hard and have a go at what some see as the unachievable dream, because death reminds me of how precious and short our life is, and how important it is that we prioritise to be happy and kind and to just ‘have a go’.

And then precious little people arrive; in 2018 my niece, Esther Honey Brown (just love her name). It’s amazing how one little person can bring so much joy.

So, apart from driving across the country in a car called wonderland, what’s the plan for 2019? Well, the list is long and ambitious and with the goal to travel, create and innovate – I’m just going to keep ‘having a go;’ with a genuine smile and with thoughts for those who won’t get the chance. I would love to think we’d be spared the pain of loss, for even just a year, but in these tender few weeks, it’s already upon us.

So my friends, my message for 2019 is simply to ‘do it, and do it for YOU.

And in the words of our mate ‘Spoon’ (below), who was taken oh so suddenly, …

“Do what you love, and love what you do”.

Here’s to 2019!

x flic

“You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are”.

It’s Mango season in Broome, and everyone goes a little crazy …
It’s also the season for giving and receiving … mangos! LOTS of delicious mangos. November in Broome is all about mangos. The house scent is sweet, the blender is mixing and breakfast starts with the cool cut squares of delight. We love this time of year when each door knock comes with the box of mandatory mangos; kids are climbing the town’s trees, everyone’s walking around with a spare plastic bag and there’s a funny sense of ‘community’ coming from this local, somewhat common fruit.

MOTM mangos

We love ‘giving’ and along with two great friends I’ve recently been involved in the Variety Bash, which too, is all about giving. An International fundraiser for kids that was brought to Australia by none other than Dick Smith, the Variety Bash is focused on raising funds for special needs equipment for kids. Variety Bash entrants can sometimes have the added joy of physically delivering this equipment to kids along the most remote of Australian roads, joined by a Variety family of rally cars and crazy dressed characters in tow. It’s all about the kids, and we have to admit, there’s a big kid in us all.

MOTM bash

Our theme for this eight day Variety Bash bubble of ‘giving’ was the Mad Hatters, and in ultimate costume we travelled absolutely no direct route in our 1985 gold Mercedes called Wonderland, from Melbourne to Fraser Island. As the Rookies, Alice with the white rabbit always in her hold, the Queen of Hearts with one of the most impressive heads of all, and I as none other than the Mad Hatter, fumbled our way through our first Variety Bash, and after but but a few ‘far from short’ days knew that we were all completely hooked.

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Even though we broke down 45 minutes into the drive and I literally froze on the side of the road, having flown in from Broome the day before, the ‘positivity’ from the mechanics, even given the seriousness of the situation, as they calmly reassured team Wonderland that “you will finish the Bash – everyone finishes the Bash” meant we did exactly that; and as I started to thaw out in front of the King Lake cafe fireplace, surrounded by random strangers enjoying coffee and cake, with orange hair, a mad top-hat and wearing a chest belt of cotton reels; I too believed them.

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Without giving too much away, I can, in a mad hatter wonderland riddle kind of way …give you a few hints on how the white rabbit spent his weirdly timed Variety Bash day …
The fact that after minutes of breaking down we were ‘silly stringed’ by the Blues brothers, clearly meant our first friends on the bash were NOT the Blues Brothers; but instead our first friends were the mobile mechanics, who not only fixed our car but ‘swept’ us down the road to the finish line each day.


Not that they or any other ‘bashers’ knew who we were out of costume, because when we weren’t the Mad Hatters we were dressed in the evening theme of the night.


On the second day the Blues Brothers kidnapped Alice! These suited men and lady were destined NEVER to be our friends! “Where the bleak is Alice?” Truth be known, In true character, Alice often disappeared; found sneaking a peak into a truck or car, pulling a golf buggy down the course or in front of a news camera, on TV;


As we started to meet fellow bashers, we quickly bonded with some serious ‘girl power’  including the PJ Party, Cherry Bomb Car-e-oke, Charlie’s Angels, Spice girls and Cat woman, who often needed time out from the joker and batman.

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No sooner had we designed the car routine of driver, navigator and entertainment coordinator, we were captured in print by Melbourne’s Herald Sun, and of course, now published, the Blues Brothers wanted to be our friends!


We missed all but one lunch on the bash and even though ‘it’s not a race’ we nearly always drove in last … because we were always so well photographed along the way (well that’s our story), or we were simply looking for Alice .. “oh there she is” – in Pooh bear corner talking to Sunday All Over Macca!

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We missed most of the ‘fun’ stops and didn’t see the beer truck once! (all put down to our careful pace of driving).

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As the delirium progressed, the mad hatter began to eat cupcakes in every town, while the Queen of Hearts precariously posed and Alice chased the Blues Brothers, who stole the White Rabbit AGAIN!

As crazy, loud bash cars drove up to schools we were presented with equally loud squeals of excitement from kids; we took selfies, threw lollies, (must get better at throwing) and danced and dabbed on basketball courts. It’s something special when a kid tugs your jacket and says they are SO excited to be YOU for book week!

Sometimes we forgot we were in costume as we ran into Telstra shops and public toilet blocks; and how many people get to play with Sesame Street in Parliament House after dinner with the Governor General.


We won the apple iPhone 7! Well … the rabbit did!

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Our absolute favourite Variety Bash moment was a “Where’s Wally” one and we ALL fell in love with a ‘cowboy’.

After cornering Wonderland like a dream around Bathurst, the cryptic route notes indicated that we were going through my home town of Rylstone, NSW; mum got the boys (my brothers) into the Globe Hotel but someone or anyone forgot to mention to my beautiful brother ‘Billy Brown from outa town’, who doesn’t do social media, that his sister was an orange headed mad hatter. Personal highlight besides his reaction, was to see my mum run across the road so excited. She almost wouldn’t get out of Wonderland, or let the white rabbit go.

I was so excited to see family and great friends along the way; and just as excited to pull in to the Pub with no Beer.

We were getting a hold on this ‘Bash’ thing and decided it was time to take a stance and publicly punish the Blues Brothers for stealing the white rabbit and kidnapping Alice. We dressed up the main Blues offender in Alice’s apron, wig and makeup in front of hundreds of onlookers at the Big Banana.

Some thought us brave, others thought us mad, but it was ‘he’ who took the punishment ten steps further; … and where our love for the Blues Brothers bloomed.

By the time we got to Fraser island we’d traveled the outback roads of four states in eight days and the Mad Hatters were self declared as ‘wrecked’! Only to be announced as winners of the BEST THEME bash honour, so the costumes had one .. last .. night.

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On behalf of Alice and the Queen of Hearts, I take this opportunity to thank ALL our friends and families who supported the Mad Hatters and our fundraising efforts for the kids and our sponsors for supporting car 2278 Wonderland in the 2017 Variety Bash.

And just when we thought it was all over, Team Captain Alice pulled rank and diverted Wonderland to the Bundaberg Rum factory; only to once again disappear, and reappear with the leader of the opposition.

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The Melbourne to Fraser Island Variety Bash raised $1.25M and our little car raised over $15,000! Goes without saying – we have registered for next year’s event!

motm bonkers

So, how does someone re-enter normality after an experience like this? … Well, what is ‘normality’ anyway?!

Just like after any adventure, I was filled with inspiration. I could’t wait to get back into my millinery studio. The next few couture creations were quickly underway and with a new boost of creativity and my Hats by Felicity collection was hinted with whimsical ‘Wonderland’ joy.


The Variety experience reinforced my embrace of positivity and fed my my love for giving; fundraising has been such an integral part of my life, since a 19 year old Miss Australia fundraising entrant, and it completes me.

For 2018 we have some exciting Mad Hatters fundraising events in the planning, that will take place in Victoria, Frankland River WA, and Broome; to which Alice, Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter hope some of our new Variety family might make a celebrity guest appearance, and meet our wonderful local communities, families and friends.

And where in this crazy yarn is the Hats by Felicity update? Well, with all this creativity I’ve been turning one of my many dreams into reality and developing a very special merchandise range.

I have always adored beautiful stationery and essential treats for the tropics and have designed and developed a delightful and useful merchandise range of notepads, sketch books, hand fans, coolers for our drinks and for the bottle of bubbles; tote bags, water bottles, pannikins etc … the beautiful list is almost endless; and after the inspirational feedback from the MadHATtan documentary, and the Variety experience, I decided to embrace the positivity and inspiration and have a go.

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To get a starter collection of the merchandise range landed in Broome in time for the Christmas market I have launched a Kickstarter fundraising campaign. I’d love you to check it out and should you like to give it a ‘kickstart’ pledge, it would be my absolute joy to gift you with a product from the range the moment it hits the Broome studio floor; hand selected with love. This merchandise range will compliment my couture millinery creations and ongoing collections and my custom designed commercial range of Cruise Broome hats and the like.  2018 has definitely been the year for growth.

“We’re all mad here, I’m mad, you’re mad.” How do you know I’m mad? said Alice, You must be said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”


I always love to sign off thanking my incredible friends; who support and encourage me and my crazy days and ways. To you, I once again raise my glass. Thank you!

Here’s the Kickstarter link for my Hats by Felicity Merchandise range. I’d be thrilled if you’d check it out.


Thank you and keep smiling,

x Flic






Sore thumbed Olympian …

I can see the Empire State Building from my Manhattan apartment window – did you know they change the colour of the tower lights every night? Tonight it’s orange and blue. I have to pinch myself that I’m here.


It’s been a massive run to my third NYFW show and thanks to my friends and some amazing sponsors, and the creative headspace from working for myself (yes … I’ve finished with the Ag Dept.), I am well and truly here, all glue guns blazing, with my Spring Summer 2017 collection of millinery creations, and I’m ready to show to over 300 VIP’s and the fashion world, in but a few short days. To say I’m a tad nervous is absolutely nowhere close to the mark!

The lead up to this years event has been busy. As milliner on the Move I had brilliant trips to Anna Plains Station in the Kimberley and to Yarrie Station and the races of Marble Bar in the Pilbara region. Both of these adventures, however, command their own individual blog space, so you’ll have to stay tuned for these yarns on my return from the shiny red.

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The Broome races too, were a feather above the rest this year with Broome Cup being the most colourful of all Broome trackside events I’ve seen yet. Never have I created so many hats and headpieces in one year and although my fingers are still recovering, I’m already excited to do it again.

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And now I am here, in New York City on the eve of Fashion Week with my Hats by Felicity showing this Sunday, September 11, at 5pm. I keep doing double takes as I see my name and imagine this is how the Olympians must feel – with AUSTRALIA in capitals beneath … i’m sure Olympians have more than sore fingers and thumb, though … and they probably use the stairs, not the lift.


My runway event will be live streamed through the Hats by Felicity Face book page. I’m showing with Fashion Gallery at the Grand Ballroom of the Manhattan Affinia Hotel 5pm NYC time and believe me, not only are those chandeliers going to shine .. my models are wearing a custom made Bondi Bather special that compliments my collection to perfection and I can’t wait to show you all.

And wait till you see the feathers … my feather collectors have been amazing again this year with feathers coming from all parts of Australia. Without these stunning plumes and while Im at it, without my feather sorter (thanks Ella) I wouldn’t be showcasing half the collection I am about to, so when these hand collected feather creations float upon the runway please feel as proud as I am because without you, they simply wouldn’t exist.

I know I’ve said it twice before, but when this collection presents on the NYFW runway, it’s not just me showcasing, it’s a whole swag of us who are part of the hat and yarn …

I met the models who are going to parade my work yesterday, some of which are return girls from last year. They are a really lovely bunch who looked a tad unsure when I explained the dictionary meaning for Felicity is ‘happiness’ and bliss, and if they feel happy when they are wearing my creations on the runway, then by all means feel free to smile ..

Tonight I have my own big smile with my whole collection around me, I’ve been trying pieces on and assigning them to the models, preening feathers and feeling proud, with the Empire State building shining above me. I can’t wait to show you.

And what do I want to achieve from this NYFW event? Apart from raising awareness of millinery as a wearable art, through my collection entitled “Australia in Bloom” I want to proudly highlight our stunning and truly beautiful rural, regional and remote Australia; and above all, as a small business and passionate milliner, I want to secure a millinery contract in the industry of film – then we can aim for the Oscars after this!

A special shout of thanks to those who have dressed me for the runway, provided me with luscious lashes and fabulous skin, amazing hair and sensational sunglasses; who created spectacular outfits for the models, put together heart pumping music for the runway; for the pearls that are about to walk the runway, who designed my menu of creations for “Australia in Bloom” and millinery materials of stunning best; those who’ve fed me when I was in lock-down creating this collection, who’ve sponsored my name to the wallpaper for the red carpet, models for the runway; for your talented photography (Kathryn Sprigg) and who’ve worked tirelessly by my side making all this happen (thank you Kim St John). You are all tagged with love and thanks. And to my family and my friends, who continue rock my world and make this millinery dream happen … Thank you.

See you on Sunday – I’ll wave from the runway (if i’m conscious).

x flic

PS A heartfelt thanks for this surprise GoFundme site… #fundedbyfriends
