Tag Archives: writing accountability

Meet the Milliner

Okay, so it feels like ages because it actually is ages since I’ve written a blog post, but this doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing; in fact, I’m excited to announce – I am writing a book. 

Yes, last year I made the commitment, not only by saying it out loud, (which is bloody scary in itself) but I also committed with an accountability group and a plan. 

Serendipity stepped in and introduced me to these gorgeous ladies, who are also writing, from New Zealand and Queensland; so we seized the intro and made a commitment to keep each other accountable to writing our books, and it’s been a game changer! 

Sarah, Alex & Flic

We’ve never met in person, but my gosh, I look forward to each Friday, when we meet on-line to write. 

The other exciting update is I have launched my Meet the Milliner, Studio Experience in Broome. 

For years people have asked if they can drop in to meet me and see the studio and the collection, and although I’ve always tried to make this happen, these last minute requests are not always possible. So now I have a system to book this visit when you are planning your trip to Broome. 

Loved these women!
Love this group of fabulousness!

I’ve created a really lovely experience to share from my backyard studio. And yes, of course we can have a little glass of bubbles. Why not?

Here’s the link and feel welcome to share this with any friends of yours coming to Broome.

Meet The Milliner Studio Experience in Broome

And now for my collection update … and without getting too bogged down in the story of my delayed start to creating this year’s millinery magnificence, I’ve had some forced time out of the studio, thanks to white ants coming up through the cement floor. They also got into my vacuum cleaner which gave me one hell of a ZAP!

In addition to the ant issue, I also had the mystery of something running amok in the studio of a night, opening the door each morning to foam heads, hats and headpieces strewn across the floor. I had no idea what was going on but when I opened one morning to find my beautiful blue bottle smashed all over the floor and hat boxes tumbled from their stack, I decided to climb the ladder and block the small holes into the ceiling where my mystery mate must have been coming in through from the roof; it was either that, or I had a ghost. But I’ve since seen this cheeky monitor looking most displaced, so I think my ghost of a culprit was this goanna, who apparently doesn’t mind a termite or two. 

Honestly – only in the Kimberley!

Subsequently, my millinery collection for 2024 is off to a most delayed start, so I’ll see how I’m going over the next few weeks, and confirm the date of my collection reveal. 

If you’d like to be kept updated about the Book, the Experience, the Collection and more, subscribe to my Milliner on the Move blog and sign up to my Hats by Felicity website mailing list – these two sites are from where the updates will come. 

I won’t clog your inbox, I’m way too busy creating millinery to be sending dozens of emails …

As for the milliner on the move’s inspiration for creation, (apart from ghosts, termites and lizards), there is a pretty amazing trip in the plan, deep into the Kimberley, – I’m already excited to design and create a collection inspired from this amazing part of the world. 

Till next time, have a fantastic day, keep smiling and keep your eyes out for rogue bungarras.


Trackside, Broome – Proud Sponsor