Tag Archives: bridal veil

Time to unveil

I feel a bit of a fraud to be the Milliner on the Move, and not be on the move, but who would ever have guessed the world would stop travelling. 

This time last year we had no idea what chaos lay before us and I certainly had no foresight that I’d enter 2021 as Broome’s Bridal Milliner, but here we are, pivoting our way through the chaos that is covid 19, and with complete acknowledgment of the seriousness of the virus, from a personal business perspective, I have to say, I’m grateful for the opportunities that presented to me in 2020. 

On an average year I would create up to 100 pieces, however in 2020, I created three. One for Darwin, one for Gasgoyne Junction and one for Ascot Perth, and these made my heart sing.

The gorgeous Georgie, Dawin, NT

People would say to me “you must be loving all this time to create,” but what many don’t realise is it’s not just about time, it’s about creativity and to be honest, from March 2020, I completely lost my mojo. 

This isn’t to say business came to a halt, in fact, it was quite the opposite – I went into overdrive with business development for both Hats by Felicity and an entirely new business concept called The Homestead Hub, and it wasn’t until I realised the latter, that my creative mojo returned.  

Bridal was always an area of millinery that I reserved for friends.

Abbi, Broome, WA
Kylie, Broome, WA
Renee, Broome, WA

Each time I worked ‘on’ my business, bridal appeared in the notes but I always managed to keep it veiled, that is, until now.

Fast forward to 2021, and to the world that is, and I couldn’t be happier or more excited to enter the year formally launching my first Hats by Felicity Bridal collection

Like all businesses, there are changes for Hats by Felicity – working closely with clients on a one to one basis in my little Broome studio is now something of the past, but as a milliner creating for rural, regional and remote women, regardless of where you reside or whether you are an impending bride, or off to the races, – I will continue to create collections of one-off, unique and beautiful creations, and present these collections as a continual showcase, available for sale on my Hats by Felicity website

To keep informed of new creations and my creative business directions, I encourage you to like and follow Hats by Felicity Instagram and Facebook, to subscribe to my Hats by Felicity newsletter as well as this Milliner on the Move blog, and if you’d like to be in that private space, and the first to know about new releases and informative hat related teachings, stay tuned for the new Hats by Felicity private Facebook Group.

My millinery’s creative calendar will go something like this – January is the launch of my bridal collection (yay and thank you for your awesome support).

February will introduce another exciting millinery direction and collection – double yay; and from March I will focus on the 2021 race wear millinery collection, with the most positive of vibes that regional races will return.

Thanks for continuing to support my little business over the past year – even without me creating a collection. Your liking, sharing and engaging in conversation with Hats by Felicity kept my business alive and my spirits high, and for this I thank you. 

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021. 

Click to enjoy my Hats by Felicity Bridal launch short film.

x flic